

Page history last edited by Mia 9 months, 3 weeks ago Saved with comment

Welcome to Lift your (museum) game. This was a site for people who make museum games to share their hard-earned wisdom - evaluation, research, references, methods...


Also on this site:

Museum Game Examples

Educational Game Examples

Wiki contributors

Conferences and events

Museum games hack - planning events to help museums design games

Games evaluations



Games Design Platforms for Kids









Museums and the Web 2014 related sessions and papers

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Session: Games: Design, deployment and preservation. Practical tips and best practices in game development and management from inception to archiving.


Museums and the Web 2013 related sessions and papers

[Hi! Did you attend MW2013 or follow it online? Is this page missing your paper? Add it!]

Playtesting PlanetMania: A Mobile Game for Museum Exhibits


Museums and the Web 2012 related sessions and papers


Museums and the Web 2011 related sessions and papers

From Knowledge to Narrative – to Systems? At the junction of game design and museum education

Playing with museums - game designs to improve museum collections (and related, Mia's 'Playing with difficult objects: game designs for crowdsourcing museum metadata (unpublished MSc dissertation);)

Museum Games: Some Strategies for Achieving Project Goals

An ubiquitous mobile edutainment application for learning science through play

Mini-Workshop on Games: I

MP For A Week: An Immersive Game De-mystifying the UK Parliament


General Games Literature

Games and cultural heritage

http://www.playthepast.org/ reviews and discussion

“Using Computer Games to Popularize History”, James Cobb, Cardinal Stritch University (Word doc) from The Historical Society’s 2012 conference.


Gamification [for good or evil]

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World -by Jane McGonigal

Gamification and Avoiding the Fate of ARGs, - Tahdg Kelly, Gamasutra

Can’t play, won’t play - Margaret Robertson

Pawned. Gamification and Its Discontents and Just add points? What UX can (and cannot) learn from game design. - Sebastian Deterding. Other excellent talks also linked from this page.

Papers from CHI2011 workshop, Gamification: Using Game Design Elements in Non-Gaming Contexts available for download at that link.

http://gamification.org/wiki/Gamification_Books contains a big list of books related to many aspects of game design and gamification


Literature on Gaming & Learning

Special edition of International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) on 'Games for learning' (2014)

Literature Review in Games and Learning. Futurelab (2004) http://telearn.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/19/04/53/PDF/kirriemuir-j-2004-r8.pdf

What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee http://t.co/OSGBpXf
Everything Bad is Good For You: How Today's Pop Culture is Making Us Smarter. by Steven Johnson

Ten Surprising Truths about Videogames and Learning

Top 100 Learning Game Resources collected by Abhijit Kadle.

Game Play: how to develop engaging games for a discerning audience by Martha Henson and Danny Birchall, in Museum/iD No. 10

Contrasts in student engagement, meaning-making, dislikes, and challenges in a discovery-based program of game design learning by Rebecca Reynolds and Idit Harel Caperton in Educational Technology Research and Development.

Aligning game activity with educational goals: following a constrained design approach to instructional computer games by Brett E. Shelton and Jon Scoresby in Educational Technology Research and Development.

Measuring learning in serious games: a case study with structural assessment by Pieter Wouters, Erik D. van der Spek and Herre van Oostendorp inEducational Technology Research and Development.
Exploring the Factors Influencing Learning Effectiveness in Digital Game-based Learning (PDF) by Fu-Hsing Tsai, Kuang-Chao Yu and Hsien-Sheng Hsiao in Educational Technology & Society, 15 (3).
Games & Learning Reading List from the Institute of Play (PDF, Nov 2011)


Literature on Game Design

Jesse Schell's Art of Game Design http://amzn.to/dE201w

Raph Koster's A Theory of Fun for Game Design http://www.amazon.co.uk/Theory-Game-Design-Raph-Koster/dp/1932111972

Salen and Zimmerman's Rules of Play http://www.amazon.com/Rules-Play-Game-Design-Fundamentals/dp/0262240459

Eric Klopfer and Kurt Squire Environmental Detectives: The Development of an Augmented Reality Platform for Environmental Simulations (pdf)


Literature on General Interactive Design

Art of Interactive Design  by Chris Crawford http://amzn.to/gl0zqe


Literature on Gaming and Narrative

Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games and Narratives by Jeff Howard


Academic Journals related to gaming

International Journal of Computer Game Research http://gamestudies.org

Games and Culture  http://gac.sagepub.com/


Conferences related to Educational games

Games for Change http://www.gamesforchange.org/

Serious Games Summit http://www.gdconf.com/conference/sgs.html

Games, Learning, and Society  http://www.glsconference.org/2011/

Meaningful Play http://meaningfulplay.msu.edu/

IndieCade http://www.indiecade.com/index.php
(not 'educational, per se, but the conference leans towards the academic/theoretical, and Bogost and Zimmerman are usually speakers)


Interest Groups/Meetups related to educational games

PEG-LA (Pervasive and Environmental Gaming - Los Angeles) - we meet about 1x per month to brainstorm, share and playtest! Sign up for the FB group to get notifications.

London Educational Games MeetUp: The aim of this group is to link people involved in or interested in getting involved in making educational games and apps.


Games and Learning Resource Sites

Game Based Learning http://www.gamebasedlearning.org.uk/


Evaluations of Learning Games

WolfQuest Summative Evaluation: Complete Report and MW Paper

Whyville Evaluation - evaluation of the Getty Museum's games on Whyville


When is your game not a game?

When it's a quiz or a puzzle, for a start...

These Are NOT Serious Games! - blog post by Abhijit Kadle


Archaeogaming Scholarship/Bibliography


Key Games Bloggers


Ian Bogost (Georgia Tech) http://www.bogost.com/blog/ 

Jeff Watson (USC) http://remotedevice.net/blog/


[jump in and edit if you'd like to share your favourite game review site]



Educational Games Research http://edugamesresearch.com/blog/

--industry news

Gamasutra http://www.gamasutra.com/


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Comments (1)

Mia said

at 2:55 pm on Apr 12, 2011

I renamed the site from 'museumgames' to 'Lift your (museum) game', hope no-one minds! If you can think of a better name, let's go with that.

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